Answering the Call

I was asked to tell a story for the kid’s tent at camp meeting (Ozark Family Campmeeting in Gentry, AR). I had my story all in my mind and then Jake informed me of his change of plans in going to camp. He had to go earlier! I missed telling the story, so I thought I would tell it here!

A long, long time ago when Jake was Little Jake, and Just Little Jake…(before the other two came along), we went camping. We went to Shore’s Lake. He was a little guy. Not quite two. We took our dogs Digger and Roscoe, also known as Ro-Ro, and pitched our tiny three-man tent. After lunch, we drove down to the trailhead and enjoyed a Sabbath hike. Little Jake walked some and then rode in the backpack. (Can you imagine? I told ya it was a long, long time ago!) We made it off the trail by sundown and drove back to camp by dark. Tom was going to get the fire restarted and I was going to break out the S’mores! We each thought the other had Little Jake. When I finally (OK, it was probably just minutes) looked over at Tom, he was alone with no Little Jake!

We called, Jake! Jake! Nothing.

We pointed the flashlight around.

Jake! Jake! Crickets!

Mommy panic was ebbing up inside of me!


I was about to completely freak out, when Little Jake was found.  Quietly, sweetly, silently, standing on the other side of the tent.

Little Jake got into a little trouble that night! When mommy and daddy call you need to answer…it’s not funny… it’s serious…LITTLE JAKE!!

As I sat in on the Friday night camp meeting concert, the ladies sang fantastic! I was impressed! One of their songs was called “Answer the Call”!

Will we answer the call?

Little Jake didn’t, but little Samuel did. God called him and he answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” Moses hemmed and hawed, but eventually answered the call. Jonah was a hot mess! He didn’t want to answer the call at all! But he finally came around…or up(-chucked)!

Toby Mac in his song “I Don’t Wanna Gain the Whole World and Lose My Soul” sings, “Since I got that call, no more Saul, now I’m Paul.” Yep! Paul answered the call, will we?

He calls us to do different things, at different times, in different places, for different people, for different reasons. Will we say “Speak Lord” like Samuel or  “Here am I”  like Isaiah? Or will we be silent and not answer the call like Little Jake?

Here’s  something cool to reflect on! Jesus answers our calls! He doesn’t stay silent, hiding from us. He says, “Call to me and I will answer you.” (Jeremiah 33:3) In fact, He says, “Before they call, I will answer!” (Isaiah 45:24)

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling…calling, oh sinner, come home!

I don’t know about you, but I definitely want to answer that call!

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