Month: December 2023

Here We Go!

The Dallas Cowboys. America’s team. A team who is loved. A team who is hated. I fully know there will be some who read this little blog and will overlook anything uplifting that may be found. They’ll go straight to the comment, “The Cowgirls stink.” I’ll risk it.  The Webbs have always cheered for the Cowboys. Daddy and the boys…

Hanging On for Dear Life

Growing up as a PK (preacher’s kid) had advantages. The Yeagley boys were showered with warm gestures and kindness. We were given an old erector set. A stamp collection. Brand new bike parts to restore an old beater. Memorable lunch invitations after church. And colorful personalities still remembered. Connecticut and Massachusetts fed our love for winter. Sledding down massive hills…

There Will Be No More Sea

Water has always enriched my life. Exploring the rocky shores of Acadia National Park. Swimming in the ice cold Swift River in New Hampshire’s Jigger Johnson Campground. Snorkeling in the Andaman Sea. Witnessing the power of Hawaii’s Bonzai Pipeline. Boating on Lake Michigan. The other day I heard Revelation 21:1 read in a sermon. You’ll recognize it. “Now I saw…

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