Month: April 2017

A Still Small Voice

Three thousand elementary school children filled the concert hall of the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra. You guessed it. The sound of that many voices was deafening. The musicians took their places. The maestro stepped to center stage without saying a word or gesturing for quiet. Slowly the din of voices diminished. Softly the director spoke. If you promise to keep from…

The Narrow Road

Our little family loves to explore! When a vacation is planned we don’t simply go…NO NO NO! We buy books and research the area. We find out-of-the-way places and little known areas of awesomeness. I mean, who else can say they’ve been coast to coast…in the upper Peninsula of Michigan? (Which I actually wouldn’t recommend. The “awesome” is few and…

Even If . . .

A few weeks ago our neighbor’s house was struck by lightning and caught fire. After being startled awake by the biggest, booming crack of thunder, and then drifting back to sleep for a few minutes, my dog Rose went to the door and began whining. I got up sleepily and went to let her out, when I saw the neighbor’s…

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