Vertigo Proves It for Me!

Do you believe in Creation? A question posed at church this week. My answer is in a question. Have you ever had vertigo?

Now, my co-workers laugh at me when the mere mention of vertigo rears it’s ugly head. (They have a dark twisted humor. ) The fact is, I have experienced vertigo and it’s not funny! I fear it!

Vertigo is dizziness. And not just normal, common, sissy dizziness. Vertigo is dizziness in spinning form. Spinning. Spin-ing!!

Unsettling puts in mildly. It’s wild. It will freak you out. It will send you from your vacation beach condo to the ER. It will make you talk the doctors into doing a CT of your head just to make sure nothing is about to blow! Then you’ll ask yourself, “Why am I having this cursed vertigo?” Then you will Google and find out maybe it’s because your ear crystals are out of alignment. And then you will say, “What? I have stones in my ears?” Then you will refresh yourself with the anatomy of the ear. And then…you will be amazed!

The ear! It was designed and created. You can’t change my mind!

Just Google it. It’s the organ of sound AND balance! It consists of the outer, middle, and inner. It has little bones and tubes and semi-circular canals. It is amazing.

And guess what. I believe it was designed. No way it evolved. Ditto for the eye. The nose. Each body system-digestive, skeletal, reproductive, endocrine, neurological, cardiovascular…there’s 11 of them! From bones and muscles to organs — the body is incredible. It exchanges gases and produces hormones. The body uses electrolytes and minerals. In each system there is design.

For me? It is easy. “In the beginning God created” is my foundation and the amazing ear is only one small, but incredible, piece of evidence.

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