Sometimes the Cake Don’t Work!

Why are people still having babies? Do we not know by now they are expensive and full of work and worry? All right, I’m just kidding ya! I love babies. I mean, where would I be without mine? Richer? Less gray? Kidding again!

One thing for sure, babies are a lot of work for nurses! And these last few weeks, believe me, people have had a lot of babies. Driving home last night I was exhausted, empty. If I’d been Shorty Spitfire’s car I’d have died on the side of the road. But getting home, I had one more task to do before falling into bed — bake a cake for the family lunch. I mixed it up, put it in the oven, and laid on the couch listening to some music. Took it out, let it cool, turned the usually-trusted bundt pan over, and it went into pieces. Just great! As I salvaged the pieces from the sides of the pan, I found myself shrugging and saying in my head, “Sometimes the cake don’t work.”

Sometimes the cake don’t work.

Now that’s some kind of life lesson there, am I right?

Life isn’t a Hallmark movie. It’s often more like a series of Pinterest fails. Sometimes our best made plans don’t go as expected. Sometimes it’s our fault for making such a mess. Sometimes life just gets us like…

Sometimes the cake don’t work.

But we have to remember that in these times it’s less about how we feel or where we are, and all about what He feels and where He is! He is on his throne and large and in charge! And no matter how we feel, He is a Savior calling to us. He’s the longest Table you’ve ever imagined. And He calls us to come pull up a chair, and bring it all — even our fallen cakes, and put it on the table. There’s nothing he ain’t seen before. Your fear? Tiredness? Sadness? There’s a Savior and He calls. Bring it all to the table. No one is turned away. (Zack Williams)

Take a listen to Zach Williams “To the Table”. It’s a beautiful message.

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