So Many Words

I got to go visit Jake at summer camp where he’s working for the summer. Camp Yorktown Bay is a little piece of heaven on earth! I’ve missed my red-headed man-child! Lucky for me, I got to meet a bunch of new little friends…the Lion’s cabin! These kids were the sweetest! Politest! They’d get me a chair. They’d pour my water. I got lots of hugs! At Sabbath lunch, one little guy received a letter from Mom. He opened it up to find Mom had filled both sides of the card with writing. The little guy’s eyes got wide and he said, “so many words!” HA!! The boy sitting next to him said, “read it!” and so I watched the little dude’s eyes go back and forth, back and forth, until he shuts the card, sighs, reads the front of the card that simply said “hello,” and then, pointing to the word, he very seriously states, “all these words…could’ve been summed up with HELLO!”


I told him he was such a boy! He shrugged and went on to eatin’!

So many words!

We’re good at words sometimes. We like to make even the simplest things complicated by talking ad nauseum. We like to write wordy rules. And policies. And procedures. And basic doctrines and beliefs. All good, but so many words!

We’ve all had teachers who really love words! Lots and lots of words. Pastors who drone on and on with words after words!

Paul cuts right to THE word.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13


It’s the thing we aren’t so great at – at times. It’s the thing we want to cheapen. We think it gives us leeway to do whatever feels good. LOVE. It’s not always pretty. Not usually easy. Sometimes it’s confusing.

Is it tough-disciplining love?

Grace-forgiving love?

Love in the little, quiet things?

A dramatic life-changing love?

The Bible gives it to us simple. God is love. I think that’s where we look. That’s where we keep our focus. WWJD is not just a worn out phrase.

So many words complicating and twisting us up out there!


Pretty much sums it up! Thanks, little dude!

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