The God of Growing Pains

If we are Facebook-friends, you most likely already know the momentous occasion our family has just celebrated. Our little red-headed Jake graduated!! Wow, is life flying by, or what? I’m so proud! And excited! And a bit emotional.

When I was a little girl I can remember my Mom coming to my bedside in the middle of the night when I was crying out with growing pains in my legs. My legs and knees would ache! My loving Mom, with sleepy eyes, would sit on my bed, rubbing my legs until I got some relief. I know now how hard it is to actually be functional in the middle of the night! But my Mom loved me and that is why when she heard my cries, she came to my side.

Growing pains. They aren’t in my legs anymore. It seems as you get older, growing pains begin to set into the core of one’s self. Into your heart of hearts.

My three little boys aren’t little anymore. They don’t need me to bathe them or dress them, although they still want to be fed! But even then, they can manage a pot or skillet by themselves. My role in their lives is slowly but surely changing. And now one of them is leaving the nest.

And my growing pains intensify! I’m becoming a little out of sorts from this new definition of my life.

I’m so thankful that I have a God who hears my cries from life’s growing pains. He hears, He comes, He touches. Because he loves me.

Everyone knows Psalm 23, but take a moment and really reflect on David’s words.

“I shall not want”… (He’s got this!)

“LIE DOWN in green pastures”… (twist my arm!)

(Boy, I need to feel) “still.”

“Restoreth my soul”… (Sounds pretty good!)

“Leads me in the right path”… (That’s good! Because I hate being lost!)

I don’t have to “fear evil,” “He comforts me”… (Away with those growing pains!)

A “prepared table”… (for me? Sounds so nice!)

“My cup runneth over”… (indeed it does!)

“Goodness and mercy will follow me”… (Sounds way better than fear and anxiety!)

“I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever”… (bring it!!)

I know I will continue to have growing pains as the years on this earth march on. There will continue to be joyous occasions and proud moments, but also sadness and difficult consequences. There will continue to be aches and pains. More of my little cherubs will leave the nest!!

But I know I am not alone. I know the One who considers me valuable. The One who will comfort all of my growing pains along the way!

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