Little Ginormous Things

I’m lying here in the hotel at 4:30 a.m. on a Sunday morning in Rochester, MN. I just said goodbye to my parents whom I just said “Hi” to 24 hours previously. Now I’m alone again. It finally hits me, and I start crying in the bed that I shared with my parents, just like I used to do when I was a child. I’d snuggle up right between them.

The past 24 hours have made me realize wholeheartedly that life really is all about the little things. Little things like sending a person you love a text, buying someone a Starbucks drink, or parents buying a plane ticket to come see one of your basketball games and spend 24 hours with you before they start the next work week.

I have a family that is so special. A family that would do anything for me. A lot of people can’t say that. A lot of people don’t have Moms or Dads, Aunts or Uncles, Brothers or Sister, Grandparents… I have all of it, and more. I’m telling you, I have never felt so grateful in my life. Jesus really does specialize in the small things. But to me, those small things are ginormous things. They’re the most important things in my life.

HE really does fill my life with good things – Psalm 103:5
My cup runneth over with His blessings.

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