What is Love?

The word love is used to describe how we feel about many things. We love favorite foods, pets, cars, clothes or even kitchen appliances. John 3:16 says that God loves us. His love is given to us as a gift. I learned a deeper love over my 40 years working in hospitals and hospices.

A young couple married after three years of romantic friendship. They were ecstatic with joy on their big day. Three months later the groom was diagnosed with ALS. His wife was loyal and protective during the entire ordeal. She asked me, What can we do with the pain? She stayed by his side to meet his every need. That is love.

A young man was deployed to serve in harm’s way. His wife and child awaited his return. She received a call informing her that her husband was in a special rehab facility. He feared that their marriage would end, but his fears were unnecessary. His wife had a new house built to accommodate his abilities. She spent long hours with him in the rehab hospital. Young love grew exponentially. Loyalty, dedication, and commitment drew them close. They made happy memories every day. That is love.

A drunk driver snuffed out the lives of two children. Their mother survived with multiple injuries. A year later she returned to her position at a children’s hospital. Grief? Yes. Love? You bet. Love unquenchable.

Years after divorce an abusive man was dying of cancer. He was wasting away with loneliness and sorrow. His ex-wife heard about his situation. She moved into an empty room in his house. She turned his last year of life into pure joy. When I visited him he shook his head in disbelief. Marriage was over, but love blossomed.

The prophet Jeremiah is sometimes called the weeping prophet. I prefer to call God the weeping God. John 3:16 called God the so loved God. He looks at our confusing world and can’t help but weep, but his tears do not weaken his love.

Chocolate cake, and French vanilla ice cream are things that I like and enjoy, but nothing merits the term love like the John 3:16 love.

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