
Mark Yaconelli writes about a little girl who received no affirmation at every stage of her life. At her high school graduation the audience clapped for every graduate but not for her. The silence stabbed her emotional heart. She feared her college graduation. She saw three young men at the back of the auditorium.  She offered them $20 each if they clapped when she received her diploma. Silence. The young men missed their cue.

My boyhood friend studied theology with me. He authored a Bible study seminar used by many pastors until a critic pointed out a minor debatable error. Demand for his seminar evaporated leaving him with a garage full of material. No affirmation. No recognition. No applause.

A little affirmation in life goes a long way. Emma dreamed of singing for the congregation. The worship leaders knew she could not carry a tune in a bucket. She feared she would never realize her dream until I invited her to sing a duet with me. We sang a familiar hymn. She was excited. A chorus of amens filled the church when we finished the last verse.

Less than a month later Emma died. Her funeral was held in the church where her dream came true. I rejoiced for the amen chorus she heard just days before.


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