The Ladder!

I like analogies in the Bible and all they can make you think about. Like Jesus is the bread of life. The living water. Light. The true vine. The good shepherd. The ship. The rock. But one analogy had escaped me ’til recently and I’ve been thinking on it. A ladder. Jesus is the ladder. I don’t have many experiences…

Of Bears & Graves . . .

There was once a time I really wanted to see a bear in the wild. Like a big bear. I thought I’d be brave. Cool. Calm. Collected. I mean, I’m married to Tom and I have three boys! A bear would be an adventure! Boy, was I wrong! On our family trip to Glacier National Park a few summers ago,…

Just Take My Hand!

I am really good at singing! I mean, I never get asked to sing at church or anything, but just ask any of my coworkers and they will tell you I can sing a ditty or two! I’m really good at just taking a phrase or even a word that is spoken in conversation and busting out into song! It’s…

Are You Consistent?

I suppose I will always call the Hogs, but I like to dabble in Dabo Swinney! Who is Dabo Swinney, you ask? Dabo is a nickname from his brother who would refer to him in his southern Alabama accent, “that boy.” Get it…dat boy…da-bo! Precious, right? Anyway…Dabo is the head coach of the Clemson Tigers college football team from South…

Good, Good Father

I work with a short spitfire of a good nurse. LIFE in allcaps tends to happen a lot to Shorty. On our most recent Northwest Arkansas icy, snowy, uber-cold Fall day, LIFE saddled right up to Shorty once again. Here’s her story: After working 12 hours on a busy labor floor, Shorty thawed her car out enough to start driving…

Of Smoke & Light . . .

Last weekend we went to Devil’s Den for, as far as we can tell, our 13th straight year of family camping! Over the years it’s been hot, it’s been cold, and we have gotten wet! Some years some family members weren’t able to make it and others have joined us. It’s a lot of fun! My brother Danny asked if…

Certain Wreckage!

Tom needs me to help him drive. Any time really, but especially on road trips. I point out brake lights ahead, traffic signs, or slowing traffic. He acts like he doesn’t need my help and even tells me to “relax” sometimes. (Grrr) But down deep, we both know I’ve probably saved us from certain wreckage many a time! Maybe that’s…

Make Me a Servant

Several years ago I walked up to the bedside of my newly-arrived patient and asked her what all the lesions that covered her legs and belly were. She said “leprosy.” I literally backed out of the room, bathed myself with sanitizer, and called the CDC. Turned out we didn’t need an oxygen-tank-Ebola-suit after all, just good old contact precautions would…

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