Author: Bryan Yeagley

What’s That Smell?

So here’s the deal. In Arkansas we have chickens — lots of chickens. And with chickens come chicken litter. When a farmer’s Bermuda pasture needs a boost, chicken litter is generously spread on the field. And when that farmer wants a really big boost, he calls for a potent slurry from our local hog farms. Wally had just spread hog…

In That Number!

I am not a numbers girl. I like letters and words. I willhappily play Scrabble or Boggle any day. Sudoku? No thanks! Give me the two Rs of reading and ‘riting. You can have the ‘rithmetic! Sometimes words kinda jump out at me and make me give them a good ponder. Recently, I found this video we have enclosed below…

Grab It!

A blog post by a new contributor — Cindy Mercer. Have you ever had something rivet you from a deep sleep…maybe a thought, undetermined sounds or maybe a strange dream? Oddly, I was startled at 2 am this morning when an image of stainless steel salad tongs suddenly appeared in my mind.  Yes…weird I know. Then, the words “There it…


I spotted them right away. Two ladies who had aged with grace and class. Sisters, no doubt. One was holding reading material. The other embraced a warm blanket. A name was called and they left the room. In a few minutes another name was called — Roberta Yeagley. That morning we were early so the Chemo Suite was nearly empty.…

Learning to Care

Strangers intimately bound together. A jovial man with a beautiful Santa beard read a book. A young lady quietly ate her burger and fries. A teenager rested quietly with her parents. Smiles. Quiet nappers. Men. Women. Young. Old. Rich. Poor. And my wife, Bert! Strangers bound together by one feared word — cancer. Each sharing the same treatment — chemo.…

Wait. Wait. He’s Coming!

We’re an impatient lot sometimes. We want faster internet. Microwaved food. Same-day delivery. Minutes. Seconds. Nanoseconds. That’s why one of my favorite characters in the “Christmas Story” is Simeon. Kind. Older. Steady. Devout. A fixture in the temple. And the Bible says he was patient. And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, and this man…

Do You Need a Haircut?

Jackson and Reddy didn’t plan to become famous — just trick their teacher. Best buddies, these two little fellows had different haircuts. Using simple boy logic, they figured that identical haircuts would make it impossible for their teacher to tell them apart. So Jackson sat in the barber’s chair. Giggles. Fidgeting. Laughter all around. When finished, the two boys had identical haircuts. Little Jackson —…

Is God Deaf?

I resisted for a long time. Finally I had my hearing tested to satisfy my wife. I knew the audiologist would give me a clean bill of hearing health. Surprise! One ear was hearing poorly and the other was OK. The doctor checked me and determined that a hearing aid would do the trick. Oh boy! The sound of pots…

Your Life Will Glow in the Dark

The Yeagleys have the Hallmark Channel now. Just in time for Christmas. You know what that means, don’t you? Hours upon weeks upon months of Christmas movies. The lonely find love. Broken families are fixed. Hurts are healed. Tears are dried. The cute girl always gets the handsome guy. Magic is in the air — they say. And my favorite…

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