Tag: Eternity

Are You Running on Empty?

I love my sister-in-law Jen. She’s nice. She’s pretty. She’s fun. She has that sweet, kind, gentle-teacher way about her. But bless her heart! She has a dirty little secret. She lives on E. Well at least her gas tank does. She’s always empty and it’s a problem. For real. If we were all betting sorts, she’d be a sure…

Crank Up the Volume!

Two years ago I attended a Vocal Majority concert.  They sing barbershop style. When the curtain went up their red blazers and white trousers dazzled. Those 144 men sent chills up my spine. I felt like singing with them. Almost every song featured the high tenors. Just when I thought they had reached their highest note, they went higher. When…

Who ARE You?

Have you ever been disappointed? Let down in a situation you thought you had a pretty good handle on? Have you ever been disappointed in someone who you thought you knew? At the least, have you ever incorrectly sized someone up and put them in the wrong box? We have never routinely done homework or obsessed with our kids’ school…

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