Do I Feel Like Him?

On my trip to see Jake at CYB (Camp Yorktown Bay) last weekend, I met a special little guy. He was so sweet. He was a big hugger and would sque-eeze me just like my boys do. He was an essential-oiler like Jake! He knew that I knew his Mom. We hit it off!

Several times as we sat by each other he would turn to me and say, “You feel like my Mom!”


I told him it was probably because I was Jake’s Mom and he’d say, “No, not that. You feel like my Mom!”


What was this little dude saying? I can assure you 100% he was not giving away Mama Bear’s top spot! A little boy’s love for his Mom is fierce! I think he was saying I felt maternal. Soft (for better or worse ?). Comfortable. Like home!

I wonder how we, as followers of Christ, feel to those around us? Do we feel approachable? Do we feel easy to be around? Are we friendly and safe? Do we feel like Home?

Or do we feel cold and closed-off? Are we difficult and fake?

Jesus had a way about him. This man Jesus, son of God, born to man, had a way with people. They were drawn to him. He wanted them to come to Him. Whether it was children or burdened people. Whether it was sick people or people of wealth. He had a way.

He sat with people. Talked to people. Fished with them. Fed people. Healed people. Laughed with them. And encouraged them. I’m sure he was tightly sque-eezed by many a little kid!

Even more than feeling “like Mom,” I want to feel “like Dad.” It’s not something I am perfect at — not even close. But thanks to my little friend, I have been reminded that the way I reflect my Father is of the highest importance. Do I feel like Him? Do you?

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