Lead On!

It’s Father’s Day! Some of you will claim you have the best Dad ever. A fantastic Father! A top Pop!! Some of you may be thinking, your Dad was well-meaning, but a weak influence in your life. And then there are some of you whose Dad has hurt you. Emotionally. Physically. After all these years, you’re still dealing with issues created by your Dad.

Some of you will celebrate with a pancake breakfast. Your kiddos will present their cards and pictures. A gift will be given. Some of you can only look at a picture and long for your Dad!

Some of you are Dads! And you’re thinking you’ve done a pretty good job raising those little…kids! Some of you are wishing you had it to do all over again.

It’s hard to be a good Dad! Watch nearly any TV comedy and you’ll find a doofus dad who is out of touch and out of control. Society wants to make you a lesser leader and a mushy man. But the difficulty of fatherhood is nothing new! Adam had a murderer for a son. Abraham had an illegitimate son. Samual’s sons were wicked. David wasn’t always the best example. I could go on and on.

So what do we do with Father’s Day? What do we do when our Dad has passed away? Or our Dad has let us down?

What do you do when you’re a Dad who could probably do a little better? Or a Dad who could do a lot better!?

Don’t ask me! I’m a Mom! ?

But I think, no matter where each of us are on this Father’s Day, we can find comfort and wisdom in Hebrews 12:2.

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the AUTHOR and PERFECTER of our faith.”

He is the Author of fatherhood! He’s the original top pop! He’s the real deal. If you’ve lost your Dad or he’s MIA, fix your eyes on the Author. He is more than willing to fill that void!

If you’re a Dad questioning your leadership or wondering about your ways, fix your eyes on Him and He will begin to perfect your fathership!

Happy Father’s Day to all you Dads! You have a big, big job! I’m cheering for you! Lead on!

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