In Over Your Head!

“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls.” Psalm 42:7

This is a deep thought, isn’t it? I like to ponder its meaning. It creates in me a desire almost too big to put into words! 

Our family summer vacation to Michigan has been a lot of fun! I have treasured time spent with my boys, especially Jake, who’s been gone all summer and leaves in a week for college. We’ve explored lighthouses, beaches, and a waterfall. Lake Michigan and Huron felt great this year!

On one little exploration stop at Little Sable Lighthouse, Tom and Zack went up to the top of the lighthouse. Jake, Ben , and I cooled off swimming around in Lake Michigan. The water felt great! Really refreshing. The boys kept calling for me to go out further. “Just come out a little more, Mom.” “You can touch again when you get here, Mom.” But I’m not a good swimmer and I didn’t have a little rubber ducky, so I kept telling them, “No! I can’t touch!” “I want to stay here where I can touch.” 

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls.

We went to Tahquamenon Falls so Ben could photograph it. At the first overlook you could see the waterfall and hear it a little. But when we got to the closest overlook, the roar was amazing; loud and strong. You could almost feel it vibrating inside of you.

I am often content to stay in the shallow end. Often OK with barely hearing Him speak. I feel pretty good when I can touch the familiar. But as the boys called me out further into Lake Michigan, Jesus is calling me from the depths of Himself to the depths of me.

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls.

He wants us to go deep with Him. To leave the place where we trust ourselves to touch, and to launch out into the places where only He can keep us afloat. He wants us so near to Him that we hear not just a mumble, but a roar! So near, we don’t just hear Him, but we feel Him shaking us inside.

We closed a few nights out on this vacation with a bonfire. The heat of the day gave way to cooler air, and the warmth of the fire felt great! 

As the C.S. Lewis saying goes, “If you want to get warm you must stand near the fire. If you want to be wet you must get into the water. If you want joy, power, peace, eternal life, you must get close to, or even into, the thing that has them.”

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls.

Oh Lord, please bring me closer to the fire! Let me feel your roar. Lord, please draw me out of the shallows. Never stop calling me out into the deep!

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