Category: Slice of Life

Each of us have a story to share. These blogs draw from the rich tapestry of life and encourage us toward a God-centered approach to living.


A few weeks ago, a friend and coworker got lost hiking a waterfall. She stepped, by total accident, into a thigh-deep hole. Taking over an hour to free her leg, she was losing day light. She then lost her trail. For two nights, she was lost in the woods. On Tuesday, we came to work quiet and solemn. We were…

Good, Good Father

I work with a short spitfire of a good nurse. LIFE in allcaps tends to happen a lot to Shorty. On our most recent Northwest Arkansas icy, snowy, uber-cold Fall day, LIFE saddled right up to Shorty once again. Here’s her story: After working 12 hours on a busy labor floor, Shorty thawed her car out enough to start driving…

Learning to Care

Strangers intimately bound together. A jovial man with a beautiful Santa beard read a book. A young lady quietly ate her burger and fries. A teenager rested quietly with her parents. Smiles. Quiet nappers. Men. Women. Young. Old. Rich. Poor. And my wife, Bert! Strangers bound together by one feared word — cancer. Each sharing the same treatment — chemo.…

The Old Mill

Pappy Greenly was owner and operator of the only feed mill for miles around. My father often took 80 pounds of wheat to his mill in exchange for 80 pounds of flour. We kids jumped at the chance to accompany our father to the mill. We always visited with Pappy in his dusty office. Of special interest was his case…

The Bicycle Gospel

Sometimes it was a fender. At times a kick stand. A more comfortable seat. Keeping bikes tuned for four boys was somewhat expensive if not for Wes O’Brien’s wholesome bike shop. Wes took the needy boy to his parts department. Pick out the one you want. Don’t worry about the price. It will be your birthday gift. You do have…

Weed Control Team

Spraying weed killer kills more than weeds. It prevents rewarding relationships. No kidding! My parents had 14 kids. At least 5 of us hit the corn field at the same time. We each had our favorite hoe newly sharpened. We spread out, chopping weeds as we made our way to the opposite end. Canada thistles were enemy number one. One…

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